In celebration of Fathers Day on September 7th check out some Dad related internet goodness below.
One Awesome & Creative Dad
Dad illustrates kids’ sandwich bags with imaginative drawings every day. Most high school kids would choose school lunches over homemade lunches when given the choice. But not David LaFerriere’s kids Evan, 15, and Kenny, 14, because they’d miss out on their dad’s hand-drawn-surprise lunch bags!
Via Flickr
"Dad I have something to tell you.."
Jimmy Kimmel recently got people to stand next to their father and admit to a lie they had told in the past...with hilarious results.
Via Buzzfeed
Pinterest For Your Dad
Pinterest boards your Dad will actually want to check out. See, it isn't just for Mum's with iPads.
Via Mashable
Which TV Dad Is Actually Your Father?
Your Mum lied. Take the test to find out. Please be Phil Dunphy, please be Phil Dunphy.....oh...Walter White!?
Via Buzzfeed